Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Song!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Apropos my new addiction follow me here on Instagram.....go on feed my habit!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Today I am too hot to do anything. I can't muster up the energy to go to the beach or even eat. Even having my laptop is making me hot! I never thought I would say this but I think I'm missing the weather in Ireland... at least a couple of days of wind and rain would hit the spot!!! All I can do is mess around with some photo editing apps that I have found on my Ipad.... I have a new obsession!!.... it's called Instagram.... if you use it you can find me at @helencarter1! every time someone likes one of my photos I get a little thrill!!!! In fact as I am writing this 10 people have clicked that they liked my photos!!
There are so many good photos there but it makes me wonder whether we are good photographers or is it that anyone with a reasonable capacity for pointing a camera at something can make good photos with all the editing tools that we have to hand. Is it a bit similar to when kids play driving games with Playstation and believe they can drive in reality? I currently think I am up there with Ansel Adams!!! I'm just joking... I am far too heavy handed with the saturation and contrast facilities that the apps offer. Also I think that you can spot the professional from a mile off. Still I'm having fun and it is passing the time whilst I am incapacitated with the heat. I use mostly Snapseed which so far is the best (in my humble opinion). I have also got Hipstamatic but haven't got a clue how to use it.... but give me a few more hot days in Sardinia and I'll crack it!!! Oh I also have bought 3 lenses for Iphone from's the most excited I've been in ages... but I have to wait between 2 and 3 weeks :(
Finally all the photos I have taken were with my Iphone... what did we do before the Apple?
Above are a few more examples of my similarity to David Bailey!!!!!!!!