Saturday, September 11, 2010


I have decided enough messing around.... it's time to get serious so I am clearing up my spare/junk room and making it into a super sleek studio where I can organize myself in an atmosphere conducive to creativity!!!!! I have consulted Feng shui specialists and know where to put all my chakras (actually I haven't and wot's a chakra? can you buy one in Lidl on offer???) Anyway my mission for this coming week is to completely organize everything and get rid of all my junk!!!!! I have decided to paint one of the walls but can't decide on blue, pink or green....I'll get back to that one!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Look at all the spray paint...the books...the Avoca shopping bag! I want to live with you Helen!
Seriously though, it's a great room, it would make a fantastic studio.
Why not paint each wall a different colour?!:P